الدار البيضاء Casablanca- Maroc new Lamp for Old- medina Design: Ana Noguera – Marzio Clementi
Categoria: Design
design, forniture and urban design
Casino Las Palmas
CASINO LAS PALMAS RESTYLING 2011 BUILD 2014 Client: Cirsa-Nortia Corporation Design: Marzio Clementi + Tamara Loviscek
UFFA © furniture and accessories for restless kids 2010-11 Design: Marzio Clementi © ®
L’alfiere e la Dama-“Tra le Briccole di Venezia”
I° Concorso di Idee “Tra le Briccole di Venezia” Re-made RIVA 1920 Industria Mobili S.p.A. I° Concorso di Idee “Tra le Briccole di Venezia” Re-made in collaborazione con Fondazione di Venezia e ExpoVenice Is the counter Alfiere that the Lady join generating a linear bench and at the same time as their different […]
Butaca Barceloneta
design and build another armchair but not quite 2009 Tribute to Correa Milà Design: Marzio Clementi © ®
The International Competition2008 1st Prize A NEW ROOFED ACCESS FOR THE TURIN UNDERGROUND The design solution consists in the positioning of a series of metal arches along the perimeter of the entrance of the underground. These arches form a cover- type cap which elegantly rests on the ground, with wide openings embroidered on its sides. […]
Apartment Barcelona
2002 Rehabilitation Interior design
1996 design competition for new kiosks Rambla Design: Marzio Clementi+Alessandro Lainati+Mercé Nadal