The International Competition 2012 Riqualificazione della diga foranea nel golfo della Spezia
1st Prize
The breakwater in the La Spezia harbour known as “Diga Foranea” is the last landmark in the bay. From the sea it is the last approach to the city, from the city it is the path leading to the sea and its open horizon. This dynamic is preserved here by referencing the elements which make this a special space in the landscape of the bay. The characteristic of being “natural outskirts” is maintained. In fact, the unique characteristics of this breakwater make it stand out in the landscape, and this uniqueness forms the basis for the design proposal: the breakwater as both a dam and an island. During the winter, the island will present itself as a simple landscape: a topography of stone , the red dot of the lighthouse, and the wooden structure resting like a boat at the end of the pier.
Felicidades !!!